All people can be seen in the spectrum of personality disorders, altering in time based in social environmental factors and opportunities of past and present.  There are two sides to this spectrum based in the presence or absence of genetic narcissism in a person’s brain/body nervous system, yet both sides have a trajectory towards health or pathological illness. It does not include other genetic or symptomatic conditions that arise internally such as bipolar, schizophrenia, histrionic (I argue is not a personality disorder but a genetic trait), depression, anxiety, autism, or other mental handicaps which may co-exist with any placement of the “socially interdependent personality disorders” within the spectrum. It is a changeable and flexible system that encourages self-improvement and recovery, yet is susceptible to factors of social environment, situational circumstances, and motivational opportunities. All people can choose to be an everyday hero with integrity, making choices and striving for win-wins for the collective holism of humanity. They just need to see the landscape and know the long-term benefits of right relations, action, non-action, and communication.

This new diagnostic system is based in mindful observation, which is beneficial to all people in their daily lives and interactions. It looks at the behavioral traits, relationship dynamics, and the mode of operation a person uses that demonstrates the trajectory of self-development as a true self, a false self-creation, or a dissociated/lost self. In addition, a lack of self-development may cause a person to use pure autistic traits (for empaths) or narcissistic traits (for people with some narcissism) to counter an “undeveloped self.” A false self-creation uses narcissistic traits as a mode of operation.  A dissociated/lost self uses borderline traits as a mode of operation.  A traumatized ego may cause a person to manifest spontaneous borderline autistic, or borderline narcissistic traits, in reaction to unresolved and stuck trauma within the nervous system. The spectrum is as follows:

Psychological Breakdown/Traits

Treatment requires understanding the inner structure of self, the trauma within the ego, removing the trauma from the ego and nervous system, and learning a safe way to mindfully observe oneself and others in their moment-to-moment experiences of life. To learn about the traits, we go over stories and profiles of people within their life and begin tracking traits to understand trauma, identity, and modes of operation. A person must observe the basic personality structures, seeing the difference between themselves and others, and learn how to appropriately navigate the social environment. It is essential to understand personality traits and the drastic differences between them. From there, an understanding and attunement with everyone can occur in terms of seeing trauma within the ego, modes of operation, and identities. This is essential for healthy relationships and appropriate interactions between self and others, allowing for deep, underlying needs to be met within all people simultaneously. Acceptance, honesty, and requests bring about resolutions.

The traits are as follows:

Trauma Traits – The nervous system reacting to stress either by discharging it immediately or holding it in a state of repetition if the mind does not allow the discharge of it completely. A trauma trait can be of the parasympathetic nervous system in a response of freezing, or the sympathetic nervous system in a response of shaking, organ activation, temperature changes, and physical sensations which may cause a person to fight or run. If a stuck trauma trait combines with the brain’s sympathetic nervous system, coupling the trauma trait with either an autistic trait to manage the self, or a narcissistic trait to diminish or destroy another person, it becomes a misguided, misdirected borderline trait. A trauma trait is a physical experience that the brain can observe, but it does not include the brain’s action which would change the trauma trait into a borderline trait. A borderline trait is an inappropriate response to trauma that is based in confusion.

Autistic Traits – Autistic traits can be invisible in terms of abilities of the brain, or visible in terms of physical movements, patterns of speech, or behaviors. Invisible traits are genetic or developed brain states that include mental ruminations in processing events, emotional entanglements, mind-wandering, non-judgmental or non-interpretive observation, heightened senses, special intelligence levels or abilities, a regular self-soothing focus, focused attention to the omission of the surrounding environment, photographic memory, looking at reality beyond belief systems, a lack of cognitive empathy and awareness, unaware of negative traits in other people, etc. Visible autistic traits are empathic health maintenance traits, relieving the body and mind of external energetic intake, aiding emotional processing. These traits include self-soothing behaviors or physical coping mechanisms. Visible autistic traits include rocking, hand flapping, avoidance of eye contact and cognitive attention, hyper-focus on a subject matter, attention deficit disorder, attention hyperactive deficit disorder, hyper-sensitive hearing, inflexible routines, monotone speech, exaggerated sounds, self-soothing sounds, walking on the toes, fidgeting, overactive nervous systems, emotional extremes, self-harm, etc. Autistic traits can be seen in any empathic person.

Autistic traits differ from borderline-autistic traits because there is no other person involved, and traits are not directed at other people. When autistic traits are coupled with trauma traits, becoming a borderline-autistic traits, these traits are directed at another person, yet without cognitive empathy. B-A traits unintentionally misdirect fears towards another person in confusion, frustration, or psychosis, and acts in self-defense or self-preservation with an outsider involved. Although autistic traits can involve tantrums, yelling, crying, head-banging, and upset, they are still self-focused or directed, not including the conscious awareness of another person. B-A traits involve another person, but are intended to help themselves, focused on themselves and not the other person. The dominant emotion of a B-A trait is fear. In contrast, a narcissistic trait or borderline-narcissistic trait focuses on harming another for a competitive advantage. The dominant emotion of a B-N trait is anger or rage. There is no real emotion involved in a narcissistic trait, although any emotion may be play-acted for manipulative purposes.

Borderline Autistic Traits – The coupling of trauma with self-soothing behaviors, involving others without the cognitive awareness of others with the intentions of self-preservation. Borderline autistic traits are fear based, paranoid, and self-sabotaging in the lack of cognitive awareness concerning other people while the trait is acted out in a self-centered focus. Borderline autistic traits can also involve hurtful behaviors but it differs from borderline narcissistic traits in that it is not directed at another person with an intention to hurt them, yet another person may get caught up circumstantially in an episode. It comes from a fear causation with intentions to protect the real self rather than an anger causation with intentions to control or destroy another to maintain a false self. Some examples are paranoid questioning or accusations, chaotic movements or trauma based thrashing, neediness or dependency, buying friends with money or assets to feel accepted or secure, using people to compensate for powerlessness, and inappropriate focused attention.

Borderline Narcissistic Traits – The coupling of trauma with dominating behaviors over another, controlling or destroying the minds or lives of others for the preservation of one’s false self, projecting or denying realities out of jealousy. Borderline narcissistic traits have an emotional quality of anger, rage or hatred with an intention to eliminate or sabotage what is seen as a competitive threat. Borderline narcissistic traits are identical to narcissistic traits but with the intentions of false self-survival and real anger coming from a confused state of trauma-based developmental or skills deficit.  In contrast to a B-N trait, a pure narcissistic traits involves strategic manipulation, and pretend anger or an emotion necessary to achieve a goal of power or possession, or incite pleasure or gain for the self. Pure narcissistic traits do not involve emotion. Borderline narcissistic traits are done with the belief the behaviors are necessary for themselves to become equal to another, whereas narcissistic traits are done thinking they are entitled to superiority, acquiring excessive power through trickery and deceit in gaining from other’s loses. Some examples of borderline narcissistic traits are using projection or denial to cover up shame or embarrassment from one’s own inadequacy. It can also involve serious acts of physical abuse to control a person out of a fear of relationship loss, lying or falsely accusing someone to save themselves from a fearful situation, or empower themselves by disempowering another when they feel powerless. They are the same behaviors as a pure narcissistic trait, yet with displaced emotion or passion behind them making them often more unpredictably and spontaneously dangerous than a pure narcissistic trait. 

Narcissistic Traits – An appropriate narcissistic trait is protective and mindful of actual observations and events and problem solves a situation.  An inappropriate, pathological narcissistic trait is a synonym of egotistical-based evil, using the ego to intentionally manipulate, play, diminish, destroy, use, and traumatize the ego of another person. A narcissistic trait is done with no emotion, and is dangerous with a focused strategic determination.  Examples of traits include knowingly projecting or denying another person(s) reality, lying through charm and manipulation, and in trickery intending to harm another for pleasure or gain. It includes a entitled fixation on domination, desiring to control and gain power over another person’s mind, body, relationships, or life. It is knowingly and intentionally speaking or doing wrong, making an executive choice to harm others, and includes a sense of pleasure and deceit-based power, in service to superficial needs. A narcissistic trait differs from a borderline-narcissistic trait in that a narcissistic trait has no emotions or confusion involved, but rather done for strategic purposes in serving a false self-creation of an identity with no integrity.

Borderline Traits – A combination of trauma traits with either autistic fear-induced traits or narcissistic anger-induced traits. Trauma traits are uncomfortable physical sensations or memories of experiences that cause emotion-based periodic sensory reactivity, yet are self-contained and not directed at another. When dealing with interpersonal relationships, a borderline trait couples either a autistic trait or narcissistic trait with the trauma, yet the behaviors to self or others are due to a state of confusion or lack of skill sets to act in another way. Trauma traits coupled with a cognitive behavioral trait, causes a person to temporarily and spontaneously think they are right as they perform the action, or they do not feel in control of their wrong actions, and have no alternative skill sets. Combined together, there is an automatic response to situations that have a base in both emotional disturbance and poor skill sets.

The two sides of the spectrum of mental health breakdown are as shown:

A diagnosis has no purpose if it does not inform a person of the underlying issues and trajectory of treatment. If it is a wrong diagnosis based on random overlapping symptoms, it will have negative consequences as a wrong understanding of the person’s internal experience and gives the wrong roadmap to recovery. ME diagnostics is not an instant diagnosis, but it is accurate within time, based on mindful observations of behavioral traits and relationships. It may take a few months to determine, but traits and relationships can be worked with in the meantime. Extreme trauma disorders can be worked on quickly if the right mindset is attained and the social environment becomes secure and safe. The spectrum of mental health and the dynamics between different conditions is essential for all people to know for protecting themselves, and interacting properly for healthy and trustworthy bonds of relationship.

My work primarily is dedicated to empathic people, or those with a high level of empathy even with the presence of some genetic narcissism. I especially enjoy working with borderline personality disorder and complex traumatic stress of a highly empathic person. The healing of these groups of people brings about our greatest leaders and healers as holders of the wisdom in healing evolution by liberating humanity’s deepest wounds. I can work with anyone on the spectrum, but based on the nature of pathological narcissism in sociopaths and psychopaths, the relationship usually ends with a psychic surgery where the person is forced to accept reality against their false self-creation and mode of operation. The interaction still establishes honest attunement and respect, improving the person’s underlying condition for authentic human connection. We can all have harmony and unity with each other at the right distance with the right amount of self-preservation and acceptance of others as they are in the moment. However, it is essential to acknowledge people as they are, in their capabilities and limitations, and strive through a sense of neutrality to work with all the emotional and mental extremes, in right relations for the good of all people.